Monday, April 18, 2022

Newcomer Kids Cooking Program with CultureLink...

What fantastic fun we had over eight weeks getting newcomer kids cooking and learning about healthy food and recipes 🍎🍌🥭🍇🍈!

I ran an eight-week virtual culinary program for newcomer kids 6 to 12 years old at CultureLink funded by IRCC. CultureLink is a prominent settlement and community organization in the west end with over 30 years’ experience in developing and delivering services to meet the needs of our diverse communities. Recipe ingredients were provided weekly in a grocery kit pick up to cook along with me 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳💞! 

Fruit Kebabs with Honey Yogurt Dip highlighted my first kids' cook along workshop. We talked about the beauty of the rainbow of fruits, skewered or made into a fruit salad with the bounty of colours. I loved the kids' engagement and their eagerness to show off their results before happily gobbling them up 🤗.

Then it was oats prepared three ways cooking with kids! 
Crunchy homemade baked granola to eat by the handfuls as a snack or topped in a yogurt parfait, plus hand-rolled power balls with PB and oats!

No Bake Power Balls or Energy Bites

The following session was on eggs, and asking the question of all time- which came first? The chicken 🐔 or the egg 🥚??

Infinite. The best answer is infinite, because the question loops on end!! And of course, being a chicken and rooster lover, I had to show off my 🐓 wares.

Egg salad and cheese omelets 🍳!! Always a creative and delicious time! We got egg salad cracker sandwiches, omelets studded with sausages and a whole smorgasbord of egg and beyond goodies fit for a restaurant meal. So proud of these cheflings 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳💞!!

Then it was more colour your plate with the rainbow of veggies 🥕🍅🍄🥬🌶...

Take your pick! Pinwheel veggie wraps or veggie pizza baguettes (ok I snuck some pepperoni in there) with simple green salad and jam jar vinaigrette 🍕🥗.

Veggie Pinwheel Wraps

Veggie Loaded Pizza Baguettes

March Break baking fun was had with my revered oatmeal cookies- crispy on the outside, chewy with all the yummy goodness inside 😋. Lots to share with friends!! 🍪🍪🍪 Click for Susan’s Chewy and Crispy Oatmeal Raisin and Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe.

Oodles and oodles of noodles workshop with kids' versions of Chinese veggie lo mein 🥦🥕🍄🍜!

Look at all that fresh colour!!

A Taco Fiesta Contest wraps up my after school culinary program with kids @clink_youth 🌮🌮🌮! Combining cooking and art to introduce families to the new art innovation workshops (also because you eat with your eyes first 👀), kids were put to the challenge of designing their tacos and judged based on creativity, customization and presentation! The last three photos were the 3 winners of 3 cool lunch boxes! Congratulations 👏! But everyone is a winner and got prizes- a tote with safe kid-friendly kitchen tools 🔪🥄! #playwithyourfood

Excellent creativity everyone!!

This says it all... Until next time!

I am waiting to hear back on a similar Spring culinary program with CultureLink-- Stay Tuned!

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Amal Project at ACCT and Ramadan...

Two weeks ago, I was invited to lead the graduation day lunch cook off for the 'Amal Project' (Amal=Hope) with The Arab Community Centre of Toronto @acctonline, a program designed to assist newcomer women in integrating into Canadian society and forming friendships across cultures. It was hugely nostalgic to be in this kitchen at St. Philip's Lutheran Church, as this was the very space five years ago when the summer initiative The Neighbourhood Table began and flourished for three years as we cooked with kids and ate with the families... also with ACCT. Hopefully, we can get back to it in person safely soon 🥰.

It was a beautiful day where the ladies got to cook and socialize with each other (yes, dancing and singing too) as they prepared the utmost delish lunch feast: Lentil Soup, Chicken Mandi (Saudi Arabian version), Mushroom Alfredo Pasta, Fattoush Salad and Sfouf (a turmeric cake) 😋!

What a pleasure it was cooking and eating with these lovely ladies🌹!

April 3rd, Ramadan began and I wish everyone observing this occasion, Ramadan Mubarak 🙏! During this time, if you know your collegue, friend or neighbour is celebrating Ramadan, say to them "mashallah" which means "that good things has happened under God's will." It is the ultimate heart-felt wish and blessing! 💕 May we all give and receive kindness, compassion and understanding here and around the world!

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Newcomer Kitchen Graduation Day...

Just one word. Proud! 😊

12 weeks from the very start of the 'Willing To Work' program with these ladies, and this week they graduate 🎓. Not only did they gain food business savvy and learn to punch out intense production events (also working in an unfamiliar commercial kitchen), they have grown their language skills, confidence and fellow networking- an integral part of what we strive to do
#empowerment 💥

Newcomer Kitchen trains newcomer women food preparation and entrepreneurship funded by the Immigration Refugee Citizenship of Canada (IRCC). This "learn and earn" program helps prepare their food ideas to market with all revenue generated going back in their hands. It was so incredible to see these ladies awarded with their certificates of completion alongside an envelope with the money they profited from the three events (prepared take out meals, product to market and catering)!

Congratulations Mosaic Mamas, you were the first group I worked with in my Program Coordinator role @newcomerkitchen and as I continue to teach new ladies, you will always remain close to my heart 💓. Wishing you all the best!