Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Take Care of Self Awareness Month...

Kids are back to school, and the two weeks that I had off from my summer culinary teachings seem to blink by. It was busy right off the bat with our annual family long road trip to our friends' cottage in Myrtle Beach, and the last week unpacking, tidying and readying for back to routine that involved my project to paint and refurnish the kids' bedroom. I longed for some me time, real me time to quiet the busyness, reflect and get back to doing my own things again. And that's not being bad...

It so happens September is Self–Care Awareness Month... How timely? I remember during university days, September always felt like a crisp new year, a fresh start, a time to renew and improve- to better ourselves. We reminisce as parents as this time of year rolls around, but it should be a reminder that taking care of ourselves should be first and foremost! In our everyday lives, we tend to put others and other things before our own needs, and at the end of the day we wonder why we feel depleted. Put your own self on a pedestal. We need to Stop Neglecting and Start Nourishing! And it goes beyond just the occasional massage or daily walk. 

True self-care is not self-centred nor selfish; it is simply keeping yourself the focus of your own life. It's being mindful and attentive to your feelings, communicating what you want and saying yes or no, free of any guilt. For me, taking care of me means nourishing my mind, body and soul! I feed My Mind with meditation, positive affirmations, quality conversations and constant learning and discovery. I feed My Body, with real home-cooked meals and regular workouts. Practising a combination of yoga disciplines, pilates and kickboxing keeps me invigorated and challenges my limits to surpass my fitness goals with flexibility, balance and strength. Be like Steel Noodle. Cooking regularly and eating right with a variety of foods help maintains my health and ideal weight. Be like a Lean Mean Machine. To round me out, I feed My Soul. I feed my essence by actively doing the things I love, fuelling the fire in my belly with passions and projects. Mine is literally belly-feeding- lucky me lol. It wasn't always easy. I had to let go of a lot of self-doubt and a lot of guilt. Gradually, I knew putting myself first was essential- it made me happier and more nurturing. I became to love ME- wierd, warts and all. I Owned It and Became Cool with Everything I Am. In turn, I naturally passed that love & joy to my family, friends and my work. This 360 self-care is nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go. You are worth the effort!!!

Shred those excuses and make this month about YOU! If you are about taking care of everyone else, take care of YOU first and you'll be a better version of yourself to give it back. Start by being K.I.N.D to yourself! 
#SelfCareAwarenessMonth #selflove #selfcarechallenge #evolvetolive

This month I will focus on gaining better form in my yoga and kickboxing practices. 
I hope my fitness goals find you some inspiration along the way... 🙏

 Getting in the flexing action at the Canfitpro World Fitness Expo! 

It's not about landing the perfect pose,
But a pose in progression...
I'm working to lengthen and elevate my standing extended hand-to-big-toe pose while staying grounded. This strengthens the legs and ankles and improves sense of balance. Linear alignment is big for me, so hope to get to the point where striking the pose achieves those lines without too much thought and a mirror. #strengthwithlimber

Beginner's Tip: You can hold this pose longer by supporting the raised-leg foot on the top edge of a chair back (padded with a blanket). Set the chair an inch or two from a wall and press your raised heel firmly to the wall. Tugging at a yoga strap around the ankle works great to inch the leg higher. 🤗

In Port Perry

Expressing the GoDDeSS in the Goddess pose amongst others under the glory of the sun. Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. "Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most"-- Buddha 

The best time of our lives is right now....
not what was then, or what's down the road...
It's today! #makingthemostofrightnow

Beautiful sun set at Port Perry #cottagelife

Lengthen to Strengthen. #alwaysbeaworkinprogress #linearalignment

You can't work out on one side... Without working out the other.

Studies show using the opposite side of your body in new attempts creates a balance in the usage of your whole brain. Try to begin movements with your non-dominant side. I am a rightey so I work my left side harder. Stretch a little further, lift a little higher, bend a little deeper on that stiffer side. Overtime, you will be helping your body become more balanced, stronger and minimize injuries associated with asymmetric overuse. #bodysymmetry #bodyequilibrium

Myrtle Beach

Bounded Extended Side Angle Pose.

This is one of my favourite stretches. To do this straighten the lower arm and reach the hand to the floor. Wrap the top arm around the back and the lower arm under the bent knee to grasp hands. This is a variation to the Extended Side Angle (one arm up) which opens the side of the body from the feet to the fingers, energizing the body and strengthening the legs. Repeat on other side. Always look up which helps with linear alignment (pretend you are flat back against a wall) & opens your heart filled with gratitude to the universe above. #universealignment

Heart-Opening Sitting Backbend with Eagle Arms.

It's easy for me to dip all the way flat back while on bended knee or grab my ankles (camel pose) than to hold this suspended pose. Working on deepening the curve of my back so my arms are more vertical than horizontal. Have to have a lot of practice and patience, but seeing my flexibility and core strength improve over time. Backbends are great for strengthening and energizing the body. These poses help keep our spines healthy, and also stretch the hip flexors, chest and shoulders. #ibendsoidontbreak

Photo Credit: Lisa Eats

I wasn't kidding. Here's The Camel Pose. #ibendsoidontbreak

Doing my final thang on the wall before my boyz room gets the azure sea paint treatment. Working on gracing the new walls with a work-in-progress handstand. #poseinprogress

Started one of my fitness week moving mountains, then building one (with a friend), and ending the week strong by BEING a mountain 🗻. Sunday sparring with my black belt tae kwon doe buds David. #badassarywithaheartofanangel #fitandfierceover40 #pushyourlimits

Upping and extending my squatting game with this stylin' lol railing perch pose after an early a$$ kicking workout! 💪 We were burpee squatting and partner drilling with goose walk squats around the studio! 🥊 #havefun #lifestooshort 

Feeling blessed to realize my full potential and what more I can do, answering to a career change calling eons ago! Seek and you shall find. Give and you shall receive. Believe it! Achieve it! #thankyouuniverse✨🙏 
#goodvibrations #justflowingnow #magicinthemaking #builditandtheywillcome #patienceandperserverancepayoff #witnessingmagicallthetime #feelingatonewiththeuniverse

Nourish your Mind, Body and Soul! We have this one life to give it our all! It's about time right? #betterlatethannever

#SelfCareAwarenessMonth #selflove #selfcarechallenge #evolvetolive

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